Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brad is cheating says a sad Angelina

A bleary eyed Angelina Jolie arrived back in the USA after her recent visit to Iraq and shocked waiting press at LA Airport by announcing that she knows husband Brad Pitt is cheating.

"He's a cheat" said an angry Jolie "He thinks I don't know but I do. Well, no more, either he stops cheating or I'm never playing again."

Jolie is of course talking about the regular games of chess she plays with her loving husband. As reported here, Pitt and Jolie enjoy nightly matches of the famous game of cunning and skill played on a black and white checked board.

As also reported here, Pitt used to play with his ex-wife Jennifer Aniston, though it isn't clear if he ever cheated whilst playing her. Jolie, who here, reported that Brad often beats her severely is furious that Brad has been shifting his Bishop when Jolie's attention is distracted by screaming kids. "I always suspected something was amiss - his Bishop kind of seems to always be in a strategically advantageous position. He is always fiddling with his bishop. I should have known."

Pitt say he is ashamed that he has been caught cheating. "I admit I cheat. I promise though I will mend my ways. The last thing I want to do is stop playing chess with Angelina."

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